Conflict. Does just reading the word make you shudder? When asking people the first words that come to mind when they think about conflict, the vast majority will answer with words like “stress, fight, battle, disagreement, hard feelings.” But conflict is unavoidable for most of us, and necessary in order to enact change in these challenging times. But managing conflict doesn’t come easily to most people, and as a result, we may tend to react with a fight or flight mentality.
Managing conflict effectively requires emotional intelligence. In this Crescendo Connect conversation, we will discuss the alignment of the EQ-i 2.0 subscales with the principles of managing disagreements. As a backdrop of the discussion, we will use Crucial Conversations®, an award-winning training program for holding difficult conversations, based on the New York Times business bestseller.
Mary Ann Djonne is an EI Practitioner and certified trainer of Crucial Conversations for Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. She is a learning and development consultant in the Office of Leadership and Organization Development, and provides leadership coaching and coach training to physicians and leaders within the organization. She holds a master’s degree in Adult Education from the University of Minnesota, and is certified as an associate certified coach by the International Coach Federation.
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