Committed to the Growth and Development of Healthy Organizations.

Emotional Intelligence & Vulnerability

Presented: July 14, 2014
With Karen Greer
Karen Greer

Do you want more love, more joy, more whole-hearted living? Most of us do, but we may not realize that we share a fear of being unworthy or not belonging. In Brene Brown’s work as a social work/research professor, she studied people who believed in their own worth, were courageous, and connected with others empathically. She concluded that what they had in common was that they moved beyond the universal sense of shame, of unworthiness, that is so common among humans, even when we are not aware of it. She links the uncovering of shame with developing the skill of being open, vulnerable and authentic.

Karen’s presentation will explore how our awareness of and engagement with vulnerability integrates with EQ concepts of emotional self-awareness and expression and interpersonal relationships.

Karen Greer, has extensive experience in coaching individuals and groups in life planning and retirement.   Personally drawn to Brene’s work, she now facilitates workshops on the concepts of vulnerability, shame, and authenticity.

Her affiliations include the MN Coaches Association, and the Life Planning Network; her credentials include Empowerment Coaching, the Working on Purpose certification, and a Master’s Degree in Adult Education. Learn more about Karen on her website (

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